Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Strong words people need to use wisely

People say the words Love and Hate freely, i guess they don't understand how much those words can hurt. Hate is a very vey strong word, because if you tell someone you hate them, as much as they don't want to admite it it hurts. trust me i know. You can say the word but you don't really know how much it hurts till someone says it to you. I admite i say that word when i get mad and who doesn't?? but the thing is,it's a strong word and if your not carfull you can really hurt someone with it...to me it's not a word that should be throwen around freely...you know??...cuz to me i wouldn't want someone to tell me they hate me....my bro does but he always says sorry too :)...but still it's a bad word.

Now the word Love...is strong in other ways. If you tell your family you love them you mean it right?? but some people throw it around like nothing. they tell everyone they love them, but to be honest...do u really love everyone?? I use this word freely too, i tell my family, and my boyfriend, and my friends i love them...and i mean it, becuase i know how strong this word is, and when i use it i use it wisely. but some people don't...and i just think if they tell someone they love or hate them they should think. do you really, posativly,absolutely hate or love this person, because if they don't it can leave the person hurt or heartbroken...as my dad always told me think befor you act...and thats what i do :)


  1. The world would surely be a much better place if people would slow down and consider what they are saying. Consider what these words mean, the concepts they represent. These two happen to be a couple of my favorites. Upon first glance, they would appear to be opposites, no? However, if you take a closer look the line between them blurs. Hate is a very strong feeling. One must care very much about another in some way to be truly felt. Of course if hatred is truly felt, it is most likely vehemently denied that care exists. For if it was admitted that the care existed, then it must follow that there is some form of love present. And is hate not truly a tainted form of love?
    And love, how many examples have you seen in your life of someone treating the ones they love worse than their enemies. No better than they would treat a person they hated. Of course, there are often apologies, and the transgressions are forgiven or forgotten, but that does not unmake those examples.
    Just remember that the line between those two distinct emotions isn't quite straight and even illegible in places. The most vigilant of us are still prone to mistake one for another, or to allow one to fade into the other while taking refuge in denial.

    I noticed you like Poe. I learned quite a quaint fact about his death the other night. Perhaps you may be interested to learn how he met his end. When his health declined, he meant to travel to New York on November 27th. It seems he got on the wrong train, however, and ended up in Baltimore. On October 7th, he was found outside a polling place. Back in that day, it was common to get people drunk, and drag them around to different polling places to commit voter fraud. It was certainly a very sad, undeserved way for one of the first American writers to meet his end.
    Sorry for rambling, and I suppose it matters little whether you even take the time to read this, but do what you want. Really I just happened upon a link during a google search, and you started me thinking. You seem like a lovely girl with a beautiful attitude. Anyways, goodnight I guess.

  2. ha sorry i havent logged on sence forever...but i read what u said n i didn't think u were rambling on lol. cuz ur right those two words so blur...n thanks :]
